Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentines Week

Last week was Valentines Day. I gave the kids a pretty easy workload, as we had a busy week. The kids had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures to showcase our week:

Ducky and Monkey Man completed this puzzle together

Ladybug joined us at the table

Monkey Man's tray task

Ducky's tray task

Ducky focused on her cutting skills this week


Monkey Man focused on prewriting skills. 


Sensory bin


Ladybug hopped on the table to play along

Such a serious face

He has played with this magnifying glass all week

More fun

Snow Painting

Michigan recently went through what people are calling a "Polar Vortex." Basically, it snowed for a week straight, and the temperatures sunk down below zero, with a windchill of about -30. The kids were so anxious to go outside and play in the freshly fallen snow, but it was simply too cold.

We did the next best thing. We brought the snow inside to us.